Monday, January 21, 2013

The Start of a new journey

Hello! My name is Holly and I am starting this blog to help keep me focused on a goal of mine that I have had for a couple years now, My goal of competing in a Bikini competition. I am finally ready to take that next step in my fitness journey and create a bikini comp body. It has taken a lot of courage for me to start this journey and even this blog. Those that know me know I am not one to just lay it all out in the open for all to see but I am a very open person to those that are close to me.  I have the mindset and the motivation to complete this goal. There is a lot of planning and preperation that goes into competing,  I have ADD so that requires even more planning. First, I have to see something everyday to remind myself of my goal in order to not get sidetracked (for someone with ADD this can happen very easily). So, to prevent this I bought a corkboard and made a motivation board out of it. This is what encourages me, I also put my goals, not only to compete but other fitness or education related goals I want to achieve. This was a lot of fun and will be so beneficial to me.

So for the planning and preparation aspect, this is what it consists of for me, I have to meal plan for the week ahead and prepare my food. This is semi new to me, I have done it before but never consistently. Once I plan my meals I make a grocery list off of the foods I will be eating for the entire week. When I food prep I make all the food I am going to eat for the week which is 5-6 meals a day. I weigh my food and put them in containers. I am also a very forgetful person so a whiteboard will be going on the fridge so I know at all times what is in the fridge for meals. This will help me stick to my food plan for the week as well. Then there's the journal, the best way to stay on top of workouts and nutrition is to be journaling everything I eat and what my workouts consist of. I will write my meals down after I eat so I do not leave anything out, you would think that wouldn't happen but since I am not writing out my meals for the week on a schedule it can be very easy for me to forget. I am putting all this in my first blog post for all those that aren't familiar with the planning and preparation that goes into doing any type of fitness competition.

I literally have several notebooks laying around of things I need to get done so I am reminded. I also put up post notes or encouraging quotes on my mirrors and put some on my fridge of the foods to avoid and what I need to be eating along with how far out I am from my competition. The goal is to compete in a Bikini competition in April in GA. I have 11 1/2 weeks from tomorrow until the comp I am aiming for. I would also like to do an NPC Comp in May but I have to focus on this one and see how I feel after it's over. I still have to register for the competition which I am going to do soon as that will be just one more thing to motivate me.

I will be posting pics tomorrow of my now pictures and then weekly pictures of my progress and possibly of my meals and workouts. I am also taking on some other adventures as well. That will have to be a different blog post but in short I have been a personal trainer for over a year and a half and recently graduated with my B.S. in Sports Management and since there are not many options for work where we live, one of my other goals is to start offering personal training online. I am currently going for my certification as a nutrition and wellness consultant and once that is obtained I want to offer that as well to clients. I am not sure how well that will go since online personal training and nutrition is still new but it is worth it to find out.

Those are my goals for the coming months and I will be sharing my journey with you through this blog.


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