Monday, January 28, 2013

So, in my last blog I talked about what I do to remember things and to keep me motivated.. i.e. my motivation board, fridge calendar, dry erase board with the food I have in the fridge and so on. Well I finally took some pictures, nothing too exciting but this is what helps me stay on track with my diet and workouts.

This is what my motivation board looks like, it is stuff that inspires me and keeps me focused. You can't see the pictures on the side but on one side it is Jaime Eason (Fitness Model and spokesperson for and Ashley Horner is on the other side. The post it note stars are some short and long term goals that I have. This was a lot of fun to make and it sits in my room right where I can see it (no, I haven't hung it up yet).

I put the first one up just so you could see what else I put on my fridge for motivation. I actually love having my food in fridge log because I always forget what's in there and then I act like I have nothing to eat. Well, not anymore! The calendar helps me countdown for the competition so I am always aware of how much time I have before the comp. Right now I am at 10 1/2 weeks.
Scary! It's gonna come so quick!
I saw this posted on a FB page and had to post it because it is so true!

Not the best picture but this is where I am at right now.
123.5lbs and 19% body fat.
I will put up a better picture so you can see the progression from start to finish (Competition).
I have been doing crossfit workouts on and off with my friend Nick, it's tough but she pushes me to push myself harder (she's a great motivator too!) . This week it will hopefully be 5 days of crossfit workouts with her, which means I will most likely be hurting by Saturday :-)
I had one day of not so great eating over the weekend but I didn't beat myself up over it. Which was surprising because I always have in the past. I just reminded myself that tomorrow (which is today) is a new day and that I eat healthy 90% of the time. Otherwise, I have been good at getting my meals in, usually 5-6 a day and eating clean.
That's all I have for today. Just wanted to give a quick update since it's been a few days and share some pictures.
Holly :-)

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